Does Culture Determine Religious Belief?

If you’ve been investigating the skeptical arguments against religion (or, more accurately, the Christian faith) then you have likely come across the argument that, ultimately, culture is what determines religious faith. Is this an argument that stands under scrutiny?

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Top Five Apologetics Books

With so many books, videos, and other online materials begging to be discovered and read, where is the best place to begin studying apologetics? These five books are among my personal favourites and, in my opinion, present a solid starting point for those looking to get into the ministry.

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Does Evolution Undermine Christianity? (Or Is Science Opposed To The Bible?)

Proponents of materialism argue that religion and science do not mix. They claim that evolution refutes the Bible and thus undermines Christianity. Are they correct for thinking so?

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Tips for Beginning Apologetics

After a short break over the holidays, it feels good to be back in the apologist’s seat. Getting here wasn’t easy and I made plenty of the mistakes along the way. As the new year begins I’d like to offer a few handy tips for those interested in entering apologetics.

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A Look At The Conflict Between The Bible And Science

Since religious skepticism started gaining traction critics have been harsh on the Biblical texts and their scientific findings. But are they reading the texts the way the authors intended them to be read?

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